
"WITHOUT AIR" is a script for an animated short that is in production. It follows the character of ROSIE, a butterfly who is trying to kick the habit of smoking. This short focuses specifically on her experience one night when she woke up unable to breathe. The story is told through her actions alone, without dialogue.


Suddenly it happens again, this time stronger. She begins to feel
a shortness of breath. Her head involuntarily heaves upward
toward the ceiling as she gasps for air in panic. She reaches
toward her husband's side of the bed in desperation, only to
dreadfully remember that he is not with her anymore.

She notices something out of the corner of her eye and turns
around toward the nebulizer on the floor near her dresser.


"LIFTED" is a romantic comedy about a man who leads a mundane life and crosses paths with a daring female biplane pilot at an airshow. The main character, MIKE, recovers an oldfound interest in flight. The story is told through actions and juicy dialogue with lots of subtext.


Mid-thirties men MIKE, single, and older lifelong friend THOMAS,
married, sit at a table in a dimly lit bar. THOMAS visits from
out of state to celebrate MIKE'S birthday. A young familiar
FEMALE BARTENDER approaches them and smiles welcomely.


The usual?

MIKE tilts his head downward and scratches his right arm in
attempt to avoid eye contact. THOMAS slowly turns toward her to
give a rough smile and a nod, then clears his throat and looks at


Character Design Documents

This is the character design document for ROSIE, the character featured in "WITHOUT AIR." It describes her physical appearance, environment, backstory, and psychology. It also provides an example situation and how she reacts to it, as well as an analysis on audience.


Rosie is also not at all satisfied with her appearance but looking at her does tell a lot about her past. She is overweight, looks older than she really is, and her once beautiful wings have turned to a very dirty yellow because of all the smoke. In addition, also due to smoking, she has acquired a lower register masculine-like voice. Her gritty voice and gritty appearance are meant to reinforce each other.